Monday, January 4, 2010

Arguing With Scales

Cookies, eggnog, pies and sweets. Every bite scrumptious; every bite going right to your waistline.

Do you have a love/hate relationship with your bathroom scale? I know I did. For years my body remained at a constistent weight, that was until I got remarried and my husband made me happy. Somehow I managed to sneak on an extra fifteen pounds! I couldn't zip up my skinny pants. Fretting about the weight and dieting only seemed to make it worse. I was uncomfortable to the point I felt claustrophobic in my own skin; my lower back hurt. My energy level dropped. I was frustrated and depressed.

Going to the gym was great for toning muscle, but that giggly middle, that was now my stomach, wouldn't go away. Then I found a food on the Internet that boast how you could burn fat and find your figure again. I think I tried all the foods and vitamins everyone was raving about and thought, this too, will fail. However, I decided to try it considering I liked the food and it wouldn't be torture eating it every day. The diet was eating 3 ounces (12) almonds a day. No more. No less.

For the first time in two years I started losing weight. I lost my stomach bloat and even became more regular (love my family genetics.) My pants fit better. The scale didn't have extreme differences in my morning and night weight. In fact, it was steady.

The real test was coming. Could I survive the holidays? I wasn't going to deprive myself of cookies and eggnog, but I would watch how much I ate. I can say I'm pleased with the results. I think I only gained two pounds, which is pretty good since I really didn't watch what I was eating. :)

I eat the almonds every morning when I get up to jumpstart my system. I can tell you this has worked for me. I feel great.  I think I can manage to stick to this tasty plan for a very long time. And I love all the other benefits this wonder food has to offer.

Almonds protect against cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They help in avoiding blood sugar spikes after eating carbohydrates. For more facts visit this website:

1 comment:

  1. Indeed wholesome nutrition and on top of it lots of essential fatty acids which are a necessity in the weight loss cycle - to dissolve and rework old deposits of fat you need to have plenty of the "lighter fraction" by way of essential fatty acids - raw nuts have them.

    Frieke Karlovits
